I hate this... but since i'm tagged by cyy n i'm sick of wat i'm doing... might as well...
10 Favs:
Fav colour: blue, black, white. I think I'm rather attracted to red too... lol
Fav food: My ah ma's mee sua! n fried rice too =)
Fav song: Yuki No Hana by Mika Nakashima
Fav movie: eh... currently it's Notting Hill (partly cause the songs are so nice!)
Fav sport: frisbee! badminton! I still like bball once in a while. Netball's nice too
Fav season: Spring~~
Fav day of e week: Saturday. ALL TIME FAV
Fav ice-cream flavour: rum n raisin, cookies n cream. I'm NOT a fruity person unless it's durian!
Fav book: Gotta be Jodi Picoult's "My Sister's Keeper" (for now i.e)n Totto-chan n Just Friends. I'm not really a classic person too
Fav cartoon: Disney's!
9 currents:
current mood: Maths SUX.
current song: Shania Twain's From This Moment (Super nice!)
current book: Divine Secrets of Ya-Ya Sisterhood
current subject studying: NONE. CT's just over. Let me rest.
current thought: I need sleep
current time: 11.12pm
current toenail colour: healthy colour
current boyfriend: my pillow
current wish: I better not screw up my As
7 Firsts:
1st best friends: shldn't say
1st crush: eh...I can't remember...
1st movie: I think it's Lion King. Or Edward Sissorshands. (Johnny Depp!! WOO~~)
1st piercing: dun have. i have virgin ears.
1st handphone: Nokia 8250 (Classic phone)
1st sport: Tennis (cause my stupid bro loves it but I suck at it)
1st pet: terrapin.
Last cigarette: Hmm... was there ever a first?
Last drink: Water
Last car ride: This morning
Last crush: Johnny Depp =) He's weird but I like~~
Last movie seen: Casanova on e plane
Last phone call: Ah Ma.
Last sms: Cathy
Last song played: Michelle Branch's "All You Wanted"
Have you evers:
Dated one of ur best friends: No. I dun date girls.
Broken e law: Hmm... do u think it's wise to say it here?
Been arrested: Of course NOT!
Skinny-dipped: not skinny, can't dip
Been on TV: once I think when they came to my sch and I ended up in the backgrd somehow
Kissed someone u din noe: I hope not.
5 things you're wearing: shirt, short, specs, and u noe...
4 things ive done today: 3 hrs of maths. shopped. eat. pack!
3 things I can hear rite now: mp3, keyboard, my dad's snore.
2 things u cant live without: sleep. food. water too
Things u do when ur bored: go crazy
5 people to do this quiz: no one will wanna do la. but guess it's the usual. lian, man, xx, shao n wenling!
11:02 pm
I'm back from my US econs trip(Yes wenling, I went to US for econs trip and not for studies or watever u were thinking about)! Common Test 2 is OVER! one more prelim to go before A Levels... time flies... bleah. CT was kinda shit. Don't really wanna talk abt it. Damn. Went shopping after CT (it has become a ritual) and bought nice stuff! Bodyshop hairbrush is so nice!!
Speaking of which, u guys know the GEM thingy right (is it GEM?) The one for good service. You noe... one third of the time , I dun wanna give a card to them. Half, I feel like writing "U SUCK!" but I do wanna say one third of the time, the service was good. Not exactly top-notch but good enough to feel like a well-respected customer. Service quality has been deteriorating (never high in the first place...) It's damn pathetic that we have to keep emphasizing on service quality to the extent of doing some stupid campaign like the GEM thingy (sometimes I feel bad for sg, we always have weird campaigns like romancing singapore, courtesy campaign, speak good english campaign and what not, it's as though we're a bunch of robots that need to be programmed to know what is gd and what is not). Isn't it supposed to be like the most important component of the service sector? Btw, we aren't even trying to make service quality here top-notch but trying to bring it up to a certain standard. Which very well implies, service quality is BAD.
Local salespeople are incorrigible. They judge people by appearance. Yaya... first impression counts. I've been deprived of quality service tons of time due to the fact that I'm still a student, esp when I'm in sch uniform. WTH. They treat students as though we're bad customers. I don't get it. It's not as though the probability of us buying something from the shop is much lower than those aunties. AND STOP ROLLING YOUR EYES AT US WHEN WE TELL U "we're just looking." We do have the intention of buying stuff alright. Our spending power may be lower but we are just as willing to spend the money that we have.
I'm totally speaking from own experience and from POV of a student. Let me just list some stuff down.
1) Whenever I go to KFC n buy 2 piece chicken, I always, ALWAYS gets the breastmeat. I hate breastmeat. Why can't I get the thigh or the wing? Stupid ppl always give lousy stuff to students cause we often don't have the courage to complain or voice our preference. Whatever happened to variety? 2 piece means 2 different parts right? I've gotten 2 pieces of breastmeat before or one with lotsa bones. WTH. UNFAIR TREATMENT! and most people dislike the breast part INCLUDING MOI.
2) KBox service SUCKS to the core. Yar, I like going kbox not because I like the place, I just like singing and partyworld is either too far or it's in a community centre where the ambience isn't all that great. The people are always DAMN BLOODY EYE-ROLLING SARCASTICALLY RUDE. There was this once when I went for the lunch session at TOA PAYOH's outlet. The lunch was supposed to be some chicken and fish thingy and I couldn't catch what the girl was saying so I politely (ok, not that politely) said, "erm... could you repeat that." Then she gave me this totally irritated look and said "chicken or fish la" which was totally not what she said but I bet it was because she couldn't pronounce the watever fish or watever chicken. For goodness sake, the way you prepare the chicken or fish is like a huge factor in deciding what you wanna eat. It's like fried fish/ black pepper chicken and sambal fish/ stewed chicken. If I can't take chilli but I like fish, I would definitely get the stewed chicken but if it's a choice between the former, of course fried fish. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE. Btw, Kbox lunch sux. Cine outlet is fine but amk n tp? YUCKS. And the charges always differ whenever I go. It's like they make me buy the most expensive lunch and if I have some voucher or whatever, they make me eat some lousy thingy from delifrance which is COLD n most probably overnight. What kinda service quality is this? I'm damn upset with kbox, dampens the mood u noe. Haven been there for quite some time, so don't know, don't care.
3)Whenever I visit Poh Kim, the vcd shop these days, I feel discriminated. The sales personnel follow me EVERYWHERE. at least 2 of them so that they won't lose sight of me when I move on to the next aisle. They have security camera for god's sake. It's like I'm a potential threat to the shop. How is that so? Especially when my bag's in the sch's locker? The way they follow me all the time makes me just wanna leave the shop. I can even feel them breathing down my neck. Don't you just hate it when they follow u around so closely that they may just bump into you if you stop walking?
4) Ppl (esp managers) hate it when students study at cafes/ fast food restaurants so they give u poor quality service. The one at toa payoh library's delifrance was the worst I've ever met. I was supposed to meet xx to study there. The guy wanted to come take our order, we told him hold on. came back, we were still not ready cause we very stingy, trying to see which is the most "worth it" drink to buy. He was damn irritating, kept asking us if we were ready to order. IF WE ARE READY, WE WILL CALL FOR YOU. YOU CAN STAND NEAR US SO THAT YOU WILL BE THERE WHEN WE ARE READY BUT STOP COMING UP TO US AND ASK. Plus he had that "that's it?" look when I placed my order at the cashier (cause when we wanted to place our orders, he wasn't there. Smart guy. Also because we wanted to buy their "SELF-SERVICE" pastry). What's worse was that I don't understand why I had to pay for the service charge when I'm basically serving myself when I buy the pastry. STUPID GUY. I hope his lips will get some infection and swell or something so that he won't smirk when I reply "Yup, that's it." Partly also my fault cause I didn't wanna make a fuss over the service charge then. But the more I've thought of it, the more unfair it seems. He totally despised us cause we were obviously going to stay there for long to study. Yar lar, we love to take up space in that pathetic delifrance.
5) Trust me, sometimes... service at kopitiam is much better than those in restaurants or whatsoever. Kopitiam meaning coffee shops, not the wat "KOPITIAM" food court. The people are warm and friendly. In addition, although the place's usually not that clean but they do try to keep their food as hygienic and their food is not of some astronomical price with terrible service like some places. Example? Crystal Jade. Yar lar, being poor students, we wouldn't order as much as those rich taitais but HELLO? We are still patrons I believe. Those taking orders (the aunties in black la) always have that despising tone "xiao mei (ah girl), wat you wanna order?" Then they take damn long to give you your seats, take your orders, glare at you when THEY bump into you and when they pass you the bill, they literally look down on you when u count the dollars and cents that you have cause u aren't eligible for credit card. In addition, they take EXTREMELY long to return ur change that you just wanna leave the place without the change. I suspect they wanna take those as tips (yar right, as if I will wanna give it to you)
You know, I've never been much of a unreasonable customer. In fact, I've been rather passive, courteous to them, treating them as though the sales personnel is always right. From now on, I'm going to hold on to watever consumer rights that I'm entitled to cause I'm so sick n tired of poor quality service. Service is not a high-end sector in singapore but it's very impt. Good service are not only deserved for those paying tons of money. Good service are expected everywhere. Good service makes me wanna patronise the shop again but BAD SERVICE? forget it. You definitely won't see my face again (oh... lucky u =P)Even if I don't pay service charge, could u kindly give the basic respect that I believed I deserve even though I'm young and poor and may not end up hiring you one fine day.
Yar, I know I like to complain but don't ya find it frustrating when u're faced with poor service? It totally spoils your day.
End of blog entry. It's obvious I've been through a rough time during CTs... LOL. Will talk more about my US trip next time though ppl are already bored to tears from it.
8:27 pm