This will go down in history man. Shao a.k.a sz has treated me to dinner for the very first time!! pizza AND pasta! So kind la (actually she wanted me to blog this down) Went for dinner after watching A Twist of Fate @ the Esplanade. It was good but not tremendous. The twist was really good though. Rather surprising. Well, had dinner at Raffles City. The pizza place thingy... forgot the name. Anyway, the pizza's quite nice. Had "chef recommendation" but I dun like olive. Also had Carbonara Linguini. It's delicious. Not too cheesy n u wun get sick of it. Maybe cause I only had half a plate.
Back to shao treating me. I think it was because I look damn pitiful since I'm broke n stuff so she actually decided to treat me. So nice of her!!!! But maybe it's cause she's so sui bian... lol. kidding la. First time after knowing her for so long though. so stingy... tsk tsk. Must treat me more leh! Hao ren will have hao bao one. so nxt time treat me to crystal jade k *grinz*
Damn tired. Shall go slp. Continue nxt time.
10:39 pm
I'm definitely blogging for the sake of blogging not that I really wanna blog abt something.
A month of hol has gone by and one more to go. Sian ah! Didn't finish anything that I actually wanted to complete. Life is not meaningless though, learning lots frm bks n movies.
Just rented "Charlie n the Choc Fac" DVD yesterday. It's nice! Seriously, I feel like a child again, excited over the oompa loompas, I luv Willy Wonka! He's a magician!! Ok, I really enjoyed the show. All kids should watch it, so should adults. Basically everyone. Maybe the book's better. Not sure but the story's GREAT! (Sorry shao, didn't wait for u)
After watching the show, I was reminded how much I really luv reading last time. I basically read almost all of Roald Dahl's books (Not the latest ones though). I think "Matilda" was my fav. I liked "The Witches" n "BFG".... damn nice la... filled with so much imagination, so fantasy-ish, it's like modern fairytale! And it's not as sad as though Hans Christian Anderson ones.
Watched Harry Potter with shao last sat. Not bad seriously. Though reading the bk will be much more exciting but I seriously think that as a movie, it's really not as terrible as some put it. It's entertaining enough but it's rather dark and Lord V looks fake. BUT. it's not bad. I wanna watch Exorcism n Just like Heaven. As well as Narnia & Chicken Little! Ppl, call me la!
Oh ya, I watched Notting Hill again on VCD yesterday. Romantic la. I think rather cold these days n xmas' approaching. In a romantic mood! Not luvey dovey mood but romantic yar. Nice! Recommendation for people who can appreciate romance. Last time I watched it was very along ago at xx house but didn't leave a deep impression. This time, I realised it's a good show. I like Julia Roberts. It's soothing to watch her acting. Calm n peaceful. I think it's the show. Well, Hugh Grant has a rather erm... nice accent? I'm used to the American's but I think British one is rather well... sexy? Not those pseudo ones pls. My life is so common. Boring but I'm just a simple commoner. YEAH.
10:13 pm
To read the following blog entry, please change ur encoding to.... "unicode" If u still can't read, so what? I couldn't be bothered.
大家好!我现在人在少芝家. 真好玩!第一次用中文写blog. Anyway, 我只想告诉大家我今天碰到一个让我很想痛扁一顿的人.他真是他妈的没礼貌.原本我因为从学校到Bugis to meet 少芝就已经很累了,所以想在食阁歇一会儿 (反正都要在那里吃饭). Just when I was walking towards an empty table (I've already given on typing using chinese), I heard a very aggressive but soft "excuse me" so being the courteous me, I'll naturally move aside for her. BUTTTTTTTTTTT to my UTMOST HORROR, she snatched that table and acted as though nothing happened.
他妈的!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I hate people who are kiasu n rude n everything. I hate everyone. F.
6:51 pm
Been some time since I last blogged. Must try to blog more often these days. I'm like procrastinating EVERYTHING which is bad. Anyway, been reading. Just finished "Just Friends" by Robyn Sisman. It's a GOOD book. Recommended by xx leh... *surprise surprise* It's love story. Not exactly lovey dovey love but I do think it's romantic =) First time in my 17 yrs of living, I found something tt's utterly romantic so must go read. Yar... reading love stories aren't exactly my cup of tea though I do enjoy those bubblegummy chinese bks of internet love stories. Yar la. Just started on "Be the wing" It's by a Korean author, something like those ji2 mi3 bks. It's nice... quite philosophical leh. I feel like a bookworm and I think I will make a trip down to the library soon.Just read something rather meaningful. It says that life's like a marathon (yes yes... it's one of those life's like a blah blah blah) Sounds true. It's tough. It's long. It's filled with obstacles but most importantly u need the perserverance to complete it and when u do, u feel good. At the same time, u meet different people on the way. Some that are fast and u try to catch up with them. And some that are slow and may need ur support to continue on. U're in the race with ur friends. U cheer each other on and u pull them along when they're out of breath and they do the same to u. There will be times when u wanna give up but u noe if u continue one more step, u're one step nearer to e finishing line. To complete the marathon, u're challenging no one but urself. So actually in life, u depend on no one but urself. ur best friend is urself and ur greatest enemy is also u. Ur friends n family cheer u on, but they themselves have a marathon to complete as well.Sounds nice. I think my self-esteem is like damn low so I gotta read these kinda stuff to cheer myself on. Ok... it's the end of Yu Xin's philosophy lecture.Announcement of the year: PW is O-V-E-R!!! Ok, except my I&R isn't complete. But whatever. Will leave it till tmr. I'm procrastinating AGAIN. When I look back, PW is definitely filled with more frustrations than joy but it's the frustration that keeps me going cause I told myself "It will be over... It will be over... It will be overrrr..." Except that towards the end I totally slacked off cause haiya... going to end soon anyway. My OP was well... not as good as I hoped it would be but it's alright. My slackest member was like damn pro during the presentation but it's ok. He was pro during dry run anyway. And I actually appreciate that. He makes me stress but he also make me wanna perform better. Ya. Xie la! Though I noe he won't read this.My class is gonna have class outing AGAIN. I stress AGAIN on monday. Either movie or sentosa. I dun mind both but it all depends. Like I wanna watch Just like Heaven but apparently my supposedly buddies abandoned me. BUT it's ok. Back to e class outing thingy. I dun mind movie but if it's not wat I'm interested in then maybe I can wait till the movie's over. I dun mind sentosa but dun make me go tan. I dun mind the sun but purposely lie there to tan is a big NO-NO. Beach volleyball sounds nice but I can't play like a pro. Going sightseeing is ok but I dun have e cash. So... maybe I'll just stay at home... Haha... anti-social. As usual. Can't someone just organise a nice bbq or something. Class outing at library sounds cool! I remember someone wanted to have tt. And I seriously need to start mugging hard so I guess I'll just lock myself at home for the rest of the hol. I'm broke anyway. Either tt or I'll go to the library everyday to mug. Like seriously get down to mugging. I sound diligent, as though I'm mugging all the time but actually no. I only started a little and I stop. Just like tt. I'm a pig. Shoot me.
8:23 pm
It's the hol! And the nice side of me has come out again. The optimistic, happy, cheery, nice (but still sarcastic) and lovely yuxin is out again!! It's nice to see the sky so blue, the sun still shining and the grass so green... Hahah... I feel gross.
Listening to Stefanie Sun's First Day. I feel genki~~ U noe... I miss school. SURPRISE!!! Actually I realised school isn't tt bad. Ok... maybe the lessons were bad but overall, it's rather nice. I like it when it's slack and there's people around me. Ok, I dun really dislike my class that much. They're a bunch of nice people, just tt I kept poking at their flaws. Heheh... I'm bad. I think I sorta wasted my time moaning n groaning but now I feel alive again. BUT. Dun get near me nxt year, I can't deal with stress very well so come at ur own risk.
Last day of sch was well spent. Went naval base for learning journey. DAMN COOL! Though there's no cute navy boy but the fleets and stuff are like superb! I really enjoy myself. I luv the sea! And the sky! But the trip to n fro were like dead tiring. It's like as though someone has sucked my soul out and I was just lying on the chair like a corpse. Ok, there was a few high moment but it came n went faster than the speed of light -.- If there's learning journey again next yr, maybe can go some air base yar. Quite cool!
Was supposed to go ZH's house yesterday with the class but went out with xx instead cause super long nv go out already. SHOPPING! Went bugis village. Avoided looking at clothes cause money was supposed to be spent on a bag n wallet but in the end I bought none of those. Spent $50 u noe. $36 on books at kino... Yar, I'm an intellectual kid. And I've decided to not go out anymore during the hol cause needa mug for physics. But fri got steamboat with the class! Dunno whether can make it in time after my CIP. Oh and sz met us half an hr after I met up with xx cause xx said sz misses ME too much... LOL. So decided to call her out too~ She ah, keep spending la. Nv knew she got so much cash to spare. Wanted to have spontaneous stayover but in the end, everyone was too tired n lazy n I was having a splitting headache. My mom said it was supposed to a sign to tell me to GO HOME. But I basically ignored it until I was on the verge of fainting so got my beloved kind dad to fetch me home frm Bugis. Lalalala. I'm a spoiled child
Nxt fri is the oral presentation and I'm so not prepared. Haven't been practising and I bet lehui is practising like mad at home. During the dry run, mrs lim said I was monotonous. Sigh... Must try super hard to exaggerate and for QnA, I didn't really elaborate much. Ended up talking crap and I felt like a fool la... Sian... why can't I just take things more seriously. And I just remembered I haven't do my I&R. Well done man. But who cares. Shall leave till maybe the wkends.
I wanna go overseas! But no one's sponsoring and no one wanna go with me. So I wanna venture out of the main island! Sentosa anyone? Pulau Ubin? Sister Island? St' John? How about someone just bring me somewhere other than Orchard, Bugis, Toa Payoh, Bishan? But dun make me go all e way to pasir ris or east coast or jurong island. I'll die by the time I reach there. I think I shall continue indulging myself in VCDs n ice creams n cookies n maths n physics n econs. Goodbye... It's time to mug again!
(Anyone keen to mug with me during hol, pls gimme a call. If u dun have my no, tt means we aren't close enough to mug together =P)
2:37 pm