I hate this very moment.
Filled with frustration and helplessness.
I think I talk without thinking. So insensitive right? KNS!
From this moment, I shall shut my stupid gap.
9:39 pm
I finally bought my shoes, after walking around, deciding for maybe a hundred years. Didn't buy track shoes, bought sneakers instead. It's the common common type, nothing special. I think my friends will disapprove cause it's almost on everyone's feet but who cares la, I like ^_^
Spent about an hour plus at Queensway trying to decide which pair to buy. Wanted to buy this nike one tt's dark grey with the yellow tick but it's kinda ex and since I already have a pair of running shoes so might as well get a pair of sneakers tt's relatively cheaper. Haiya, can wear to school can liao la. Almost bought the nice nice converse shoes but dun think it's suitable for school usage, hence in the end was bought by my own mom. Now all I can do is stare at her nice, wonderful new pair of shoes (which is cheaper but personally I think it's nicer than mine) with jealousy! argH! Why must my mom's feet be so small?! Or else I will definitely gope that pair of shoes. I think I'm currently obsessed with shoes, there's like SO MANY pairs of shoes I wanna buy la but ah duh, wallet doesn't allow me to.
Yesterday ate steamboat with xx, sz n maN... very nice! Though I think we bought a little too much but it's very nice! Of course our ingredients are the very simple simple fishballs, crabsticks, beancurds, etc but it's still super nice! I luv steamboat!! Then got the new year atmosphere cause we were playing daidee b4 that and someone became known as Diamond 3 cause she kept getting that card! Lucky!
Has been pondering over some stuff cause has been hearing this phrase on tv late, there's no such thing as being enemies forever and everlasting friendship. Is it really true? Well I do believe that I can dislike this person now and still learn to like him/her later but no friendship is forever? I kinda think that's true. I mean I can be very close to my friends now but if I lose contact with some of them for many years, I think when I next see them, I may find it very awkward to talk to them or I may even forget them.
Kinda reminded of my primary six gathering. Though everyone's like friendly friendly but I still didn't have much to say to them. Like I realised I didn't really miss them that much maybe cause it has been so long since I've last seen them and also that time was too young to really build any really close relationship. Moreover went to sec sch and made many many new friends. Even now some more of my Sec 1 n 2 classmates became like strangers to me. Kinda sad. Personally, I think everyone meets different people at different stages of life and those people became our friends. To have a really close relationship with another , constant contact is important but that is not easy for me. Sometimes I feel as though I needa know different kind of pple, not always keeping within a clique. That will make me feel restrictive and maybe I'll become possessive. Hmm.... I think I'm beginning to sound incoherent.
The other day was just discussing with a friend that sometimes you'll feel hurt when you realised that when you treat someone as a good friend, one whom you can trust and talk to, that person only treats you as a normal friend. I think that's really true. We dunno wat others are thinking and how they feel about us but most imptly, we should follow how we feel la. Like if we think tt person could be a good friend then treat her/him as a good friend regardless of wat kinda friend he/she treats you as. If not, everyone will just be normal friends due to some pple being paranoid la.
For my past 16+ yrs of life, I've found many good friends but nv found a best friend or a really really REALLY close friend. Wat's the definition of a best friend actually? I have absolutely no idea but I dun think it's sad that I dun have a best friend la, just feel glad that I have many many friends n great pals! I remember when I was in pri sch, everyone wanted to be everyone's best friend and this complicates life so I told myself, no best friend doesn't mean no friend, it's just that I haven found that someone yet. Trust me, finding a best friend could be even more difficult than finding your the other half.
Been so proud of myself, suddenly so philosophical! lol!
8:39 pm
Ever since my stupid CT, otherwise known as PD tutor found that I've chosen tt stupid green school as my first choice during JAE, he has been saying in a not so discreet manner that I may not get into RJ cause there are MANY MANY who got 6 points for Os this year. WTH la, I also know that I may not be able to get in but he doesn't need to keep reminding me right? And he actually spent 15 mins on thurs morning during homeroom period telling me (plus e gals) all about how those top schools (mainly RJ n HC) select their 2nd intake. POOR US!
Then he was saying that AJ has the most number of applicants for the past few years 'cause its cut-off point is around the middle where most people will be able to apply. Also he was telling us the top girl (I think) from Anderson Sec chose AJ as the teachers there are CARING. OMG lor, even if yes, it's definitely NOT him. And I seriously loathe the fact that he kept reminding me that RJ will accept those who were there in the 1st 3 mths, the 6-pters n those excelled in their CCAs. Watever, alright? WatEvEr! Seriously I hope if I ended up back at AJ (which may not be possible since it's my SECOND choice n MANY ppl will put it as their FIRST), I will NOT cross path with him.
Wat's his BIG prob la? I mean there are others who did very well in the class and chose schs like VJ n NJ rite? I can't help it if RJ is so bloody near my house n since I may have the chance to get in so I chose it rite? It's not within my control that AJ doesn't have the luxury to choose mostly very good students rite? It's not my fault that fate decided to allow me to do well in Os rite? TMD him. So old liao, go retire la. IRRITATING!
Okie, shall cool down... but I'm still super frustrated with him. Once or twice is alright la but STOP talking about it. I think he'll MOCK at me when I ended up back at AJ with tt stupid "I told you so" look. Sigh
Went out with the class on Fri to Orchard. Wanted to watch movie but 1: too late. 2: Can't decide wat to watch. There's always this prob of watching movie when going out with more than 4 people. Few wanted to watch Hitch, den some wanted to watch Robots, there's also very limited no of movies to watch la. Then stupid Xavier wanted to watch this Korean show something Diary one la, turned out to be NC-16 which seems to be filled with sexual contents. Wasn't out yet, thank gdness. Guys~ *diaO*
Ended up moping around in Orchard, sat at yoshinoya for hrs (I guess) n gossip abt some people. Actually just this limited no of people la but it's quite funny to see that actually everyone is KPO esp Phyllis who always seem so quiet n guai. But turned out she's like SUPER enthu about gossips la. Hahaha. So basically we're pretty loud n I think we're like disturbing other patrons. SorrY! Then ended up talking about disgusting stuff that make u lose ur appetite. Wanted to go eat MarcHe, no money, yoshinoYa was last resort. Don't really like e food la cause rice is pretty dry n miso soup is WOW SO SALTY! yea but it fills e stomach. But poor Suyee can't eat anything cause she's vegetarian but she never minds. So nice, lol.
It's quite hilarious everytime we ask if she can eat anything like ice cream n stuff cause she'll sometimes give us tt look -.-" and says "ice cream IS vegetarian" and "you don't need to kill an animal to make blah blah blah right?" den we'll feel so dumb. lol. Also I find it very interesting to find out wat she can eat n wat she can't, den can go find stuff that she can eat like we saw this vegetarian triple chocolate brownie at Takashimaya basement and I got really excited cause never knew brownie got vegetarian kind. I mean they dun use eggs? no cheese? Wat is it that the vegetarian brownie lacks as compared to other brownies that makes it suitable for vegetarian? so interesting. (I sound like a dumb blonde -.-)
That morning was playing daidee in e library during breaks, realised everyone got tt hidden desire to gamble, to think we all hid it so well la. Now I totally understand why those gamblers refused to stop playing when they're winning cause they'll believe their winning streak. Even guai guai phyllis caught the addiction, feel so sorry cause we're the ones that taught her to play. So now I really think govt shouldn't open a Casino, it's BAD! Serious Addiction.
Went to watch a play put up by NJC's chinese society with shaO, man n liying yesterday! It's not bad la though there's much improvement to be made. It's basically 3 stories put together. The 1st one was really lame and could be scrape off. Though the acting by e Ah Sao was really funny. It doesn't really deliver their message of appreciating what you have la. 2nd one was sad but really cliche like girl's mother died and dad got her a stepmother. Couldn't get along though the stepmom was really nice but she's just prejudiced. She ran away from home, stepmom found her back, relationship improved. Stepmom went thailand to work, met up with Tsunami, died, girl was very upset. Blah blah... cliche right? However must credit their acting la, really not bad. Last story was nicest cause got funny element and relates to everyone the most la cause about people wanting $$$, luv and gd results in study. Even their teacher in charge (ex-ny teacher, current IP teacher in nj) went up to act this small extra role. She was so exaggerating (as always) but it's really funny.
Ticket was priced at $5, pretty cheap but was held in their LT (nicer than AJ's audi). I think quite worth it la but it's too long n should actually have a one single story which is interesting, funny, touching n stuff. Kinda difficult but it's always worth a try. Better den having 3 totally different stories. It's kinda like our NY choral night where sec 1 n 2s classes put up short skits, not really that nice. But acting standard is DEFINITELY better den our choral nights la... SIAN... reminded of those HORRIBLE days with GaRy TanG.
Lalala, gonna eat steamboat on monday! looking forward to it though xx again dampen my mood by saying she hates steamboat. Watever, bleaH=P I'll still enjoy it with the rest. But 4 people eat steamboat like very weird lydat. Steamboat should be eaten with lotsa people den fun la like lao1 yu2 sheng1 lydat! Cosy n nice! Though eating steamboat in Singapore is kinda weird since weather here is like damn hot lor. Nvm, I still like steamboat! Got scallops, prawns, nice veg n crabsticks, fish, fishballs~~~
12:18 pm
Changed my blog skin. Cause was feeling BORED but can't find a suitable skin hence used back the old one. Can't exactly find a nice skin which I really really like n I have ABSOLUTELY no IT skills to create my own blog skin. Most of the skins are either too dark, too pink or too colourful. Can you imagine me having a very cute, pinkish blog? My friends will PUKE! And I dun really like those dark, punky ones. When I was browsing through 11,000+ skins, saw quite alot of celebrity skins, esp Avril. So damn popular, but I personally can't appreciate her punk attitude, act cOoL. Luv her eyes man... can nv see her pupils *_* Okie okie, no offence.
Oh yea, caught this one featuring a baby, really really cute! but apparently, when u insert ur blog entry, the font becomes SO TINY tt u have to squint ur eyes. I'm myopic n if I were to squint my eyes, I'll be the one without eyeballs. Thus, gave up the cute beloved baby... sigh~
Spent about half an hr trying to reconstruct the whole thingy. TMD lor, why I won't have microsoft frontpage! I HATE dealing with those htmls and trying to preview it. And personally, I have no aptitude for this kinda stuff. If not for this blog thingy, I'll NEVER construct a webpage or whatsoever. I'll leave them to the experts. So sorrY to my IT teachers @ ny, Mr Mark Shone n Mrs Chin tt I didn't learn anything but I enjoyed the lessons!
After the final touch of my beloved template n loading everything up, I took a look at the outcome. The first thought that crossed my mind horrified me. I actually prefer the previous skin with the two eagles. It seemed to be nicer due to the fact that it's a much simpler skin. And the blog entries appeared to be much more readable cause pple like me tends to write long entries n this skin likes to squeeze my texts. IDIOT! But no way am I going to change it back unless I'm like super free. I think I will only change only after a few months. That way then it won't get boring unless I finally become an expert n create my own ultimate blogskin (which is impossible). I have creativity OK, but I just dun have the skills.
Speaking of creativity, was flipping through my kindergarten report card and realised I have Bs n Cs under the section of showing creativity in work. WTH. Those lousy teachers dun understand true meaning of creativity n talent. BleaH.
Shall go for art lessons during June hol to replenish my creativity juices. HmPh! My nxt aim is to not only be guai but also creative as well n smart n musically inclined n innovative n witty n humourous n blah blah blah. Shall move on to greater height and become the one n only yuxin with many many MANY plus pts.
I'm so ego tt sometimes I think I'm better off being a guy BUT no matter wat that stupid xx says, I'm 100% female! and I'm very wen rou *puke*
Having a terrible headache now. Must be the damn weather n stupid throat hurts... hence to those in AJ, get ready to listen to the "sweetest" voice on earth in school tmr!
4:00 pm
You are the 'regular' teen. Don't worry, alot of people will get this result. However, you set pretty high/low goals for yourself...and you believe you are the only one in the world. But, there are alot of people with your attitude. You tend to wear regular clothing, or you are forced to wear colors you don't want to. (such as your mother always buying you pink / blue clothing) Sometimes you feel horribly lonely and want to hide, but as always, you find something to give you reason to continue. You can either hate or love school, one opinion please. Never fear, you
are not one of a kind...and that is kinda nice to hear, since there are other teenagers out there with your exact view on life.
You could get a job as an author, Teacher, editor, architect, buisness owner, or administrator. Good luck in life, and don't forget that no one is ever alone.
What type of teenager are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are quite, cautious, tend to live in your own
world, you usually love to read and to collect
vast amounts of knowledge, you are incredibly
Who are you from your birthday date (easy steps, amazing pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

You're a sporty tom boy. That's not a bad thing.
You're friendly, competitive, athletic, and you
love to have fun. You attract a lot of guy
friends and make many girls jealous. Don't pay
attention to them. A lot of boys might think
you are aggressive and might be intimidated.
Don't worry, show them the other side of you
that makes people so attracted to your fun
personality. You also are a profectionist. You
have to be good at everything. But please don't
stress yourself out. You're just fine the way
you are.
What kind of girl are you? (with pix!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Your inner soul is very mellow. You're very laid
back and pretty much enjoy life! You're quite
an average person, you enjoy hanging out with
your friends, but also making sure you're doing
alright in school. You love to have fun and
laugh, but you're also quiet at times and just
like to soak in the pleasurement of simple
things. You have a pretty good life going on
and wouldn't trade it for anything else :)
What Is Your Inner Soul Trying To Say? (With Pics, See All Results!)
brought to you by Quizilla
Sometimes doing quizzes make you feel better about yourself. Not boosting e ego but at least it doesn't dampen the spirit and increase ur level of confidence. But now, looking at the results, doesn't seem pretty accurate. Laaaa~
8:02 pm
Got a surprise this morning. Due to the wonderful results that AJ has achieved in the 2004 A Levels, we were released at 12.15pm today which was supposed to be considered as a half day. Though as much as I would prefer it to be one whole full day of hol, one should be contented with what she has. Hah. So after that, went out for movie with classmates, only 4 of us actually. Was hoping to get more people but as usual, my class being anti-social kids, went out with their own groups. Found out Chris is more jie-mei-ish then I thought, not bad la... better then trying to act cool at all times which he enjoys attempting but fails miserably -.-" (Supposed to say he's MAN, but we know e truth)
Watched a series of unfortunate events which turned out to be quite alright, not exactly filled with entertainment but overall it's pretty ok. Actually planned to watch with sz but i wouldn't mind watch it again. Jim Carrey was good, as usual but he didn't appear as much as I would expected. The plot was more of a fantasy kind, I mean how could anyone be so damn unlucky la and keep meeting up with the villian and the children are too smart but baby's super cute! However, the show didn't explain much about tt stupid wang4 yan3 jing4 thingy or maybe cause I too dumb to understand. Well, it's quite narrative, hence you there's a conclusion which I think was forced out but I think the plot's like filled with too many events, they should like have it as a movie series like harry potter or watever den things can be explained in more details. At the rate I'm watching movies ah, I can go become movie critic. Haha. Now nxt aim is to watch Hitch n Ms Congeniality 2, heard Hitch's pretty gd. Hmmm...we shall see.
First day of school after whole week of break for JAE. As expected, most of e classmates (more of X actually) got tt stupid sarcastic tone of "Go RJ la, come here for what, waste time. Pon sch la since u confirm not coming back" n "she going RJ la, we dun even dare to think of RJ" But whatever lor, just laughed it off as usual. Can't expect me to like throw tantrum and stuff rite... BLEAH. But glad tt the class did pretty well for Os. Got 1 wanna go NJ, 2 opting for VJ, not sure abt e guys, guess most are staying. Hope they get into the school of their choice. Now that I know not everyone wanna stay, I dun feel that bad, like left out lydat. LOL. Feeling pretty low today, dun feel like going to school anymore. I mean suddenly I feel that the class doesn't seem like a class anymore. Whatever la, wun be staying anyway (hopefully). Then there's this stupid guy with khaki shorts kept saying I smartest in class la, looks lazy but turn out to be so smart la. So sarcastic, insensitive... BAH. Who cares lor, get gd results so wat? Dun need to harping on it wat. Now dun even feel proud of my result, just wanna get the average so tt dun need to be constantly remind of tt stupid RJ. Been talking lesser and lesser to my classmates. Nowadays dun even talk to some of them. So sad rite? SIAN! But it's ok, I still like my class. Best buds to find in AJ~
Heard LOTSA people chose RJ as first choice, SIAN DIAO! Wonderin when will I ever move on to a new topic other than RJ. Thinking people sick of reading about this stupid green school. Saw 2 rj gals in cinema toilet today, their english... SUPER SLANG. Hmmm. Let me side track, today last period was Econs lecture, those Computing people in our class went to join the lecture and WTH, they'll like saying it's a rubbishy subject which uses lotsa common sense, tt's alright cause I kinda agree too with exception of the rubbishy part. HOWEVER, they actually understand and able to answer the questions which make me feel SUPER DEMORALISED cause I was almost huh-ing all the way throughout lecture. Those smart asses, why on earth must they learn things so fast? Irritating!
Due to the fact that if I continue complaining, I'll go entirely hysterical. Hence shall stop. Quite a complainy blog entry but who cares la, i read shuang can liao. At least feeling slightly better now. Tmr got PE, hope can play games or else PE at AJ can make one die of boredom, somemore almost considered last week of school leh! Shall continue to vent frustration somewhere else. Just to boost my ego: YuXin is SUPER DUPER guai! ^_^
6:57 pm
You are an air angel! Always thinking about what to
do next you flit from one thing to another, if
there is a problem you aren't keen to fix it if
it gets too complicated. But you are a great
helper and are always thinking about someone
other than yourself.
Which natural angel are you? (awe-inspiring pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla
You are a cat woman. You are independant and very
self-rigious. You have a mind of your own and
are not afraid to show it. You tend to hide
your true feelings and get frustrated (easy).Who are you inside????? (LOTS OF RESULTS)girls only
brought to you by Quizilla
You're a very bubbly, happy, caring person. You
love to be with your friends and you love
making them happy. Your always willing to bend
over backwards to help someone in need even if
you don,t know them. Plus you love making new
friends, which is why your always surrounded by
people. Remember though sometimes you need to
concentrate on your work, you tend to not pay
attention and can be rather spacey. Also
remember to do things for yourself sometimes
and don,t let people take advantage of your
giving nature.
Whats Your Personality(with PICS)
brought to you by Quizilla
GREEN ??Which colour of Death is yours??
brought to you by QuizillaWas prettY bored so took a few quizzes... BaHH... better den stoning which I may end up doing...
6:49 pm
Well, finally finally decided to put rj as first choice. But when I think of it ah, chances of getting is like 50-50 la. Cause many many deciding factors like how many idiots are fighting with me to get in -.-" But managed to coax xiutang to go with me! Den we'll be outcasted together. Haha... but hopefully not la. I realised after choosing schools, we hafta decide on wat ccas to choose. SIAN, so many decisions to make. Still must decide on what subject combi to take but will probably take back the disgusting maths, f maths, physics n econs since I wanna take as little sciences as possible~~~~~ but may decide to take chinese in e end n not f math, wonder if can take odd combi or not, feel like taking history. but if i end up in aj again, den duh will take back tt combi. I'll be kinda relieved if I'm posted to aJ though cause wun feel so stress but if same class as those maths geniuses again den of course will be quite stress la.
Went K-inG... MADNESS la... sang wat chuang1 wai4 6 times?! not really sing all 6 times la but saw the MTVs 6 times? mad la! i know e song is super nice but I think tt was too much though quite shuang la! so long nv go liao, miss e crazy times. Everyone's super high lor (everyone = 3 pple only, lol). Nowadays everyone so bz, end sch so late, where got time go. Wkends must pia hw, sian man... to XX, pls go learn wo aI ni so tt can sing nicely nxt time k?! hahah. I think i was pretty crazy then, doin weird stuff n getting high for no gd reason. heh heh. But after tt, kinda tired den not so high liao. Nxt time must bring own snack den wun be hungry n tired n cold. Wah, sounds like sad life man! hahah n i think my dear voice is breaking since feel more comfortable singing male parts ~.~ OMG la. tmd tmd tmd. SorrY for swearing. But in conclusion, I had fun!
Oh yea, went RJ yesterday. got 2 impressions of it. 1. Student population filled with those super english type of pple who only speaks english (bleaH). 2. The sch luvs green. I mean, HELLO?! Even the rubbish bins are in tt dark shade of green. Railings too. Oh man, it's so "comforting" to the eyes la -.-" Some of the window panes of the library are green too. And frm my house, I can see those stupid green buildings. Even the skirt of RJ uniform is green. WAT IS THIS? Clean n Green society? can't believe it lor. Oh yar, forgot to mention. Canteen benches are green too! how wonderful.but i think the benches are of the same shade as the college skirt. Ok, I really have nothing against the colour green but this is really too much la. However, other den the green-ness of the school, it's pretty cool. Got lifts n stairways are spacious, dun need everyone cramp to climb up stairs (though most take lifts). Canteen's HUGE! looks nice... library rox though super cold. it's 3 or 4 storeys, dun remember. Really nice n big. Got wide selection of books la including fiction bks. Unlike some schools which only have reference bks n txtbks but librarian there like super fierce la *_*. I think if i can get into RJ, will end up @ library most of e time to sleep cause tables and chairs quite nice for sleeping. Correct height. Heheh. Saw quite alot of ny girls n rG girls but the sch's practically flooding with RI guys. And xx pian4 wo3 la, say wat got shuai ges... yea rite. The ppl there rite, all look so smart though... scary! Speaking of ppl there, it's like super english. You feel pressurized to speak english at all times there la which makes it seem so distant from me. I prefer conversing in mandarin la, more qin qie gan. Speaking english makes me feel as though I'm havin formal conversation and draws me further away from the person I'm speaking to lor. But pple say I will get used to it. Can't imagine conversing in english 24 hrs a day la. WEIRD! Trust me, I'm e cheena type =P Why am I speaking as though I'm already in RJ? Tsk tsk Tsk.
Going back to school nxt wk. Haiz, 1 wk no sch, now must go back...so weird. N e teachers sure will ask abt results one la, SiAn! Hope monday can just talk talk talk den dun need have tutorials, YAY! I very lazy la, can't help it n I'm looking forward to following wk cause it's HOL again!!! WOOSH! Can slack @ home, go out watch movies, go hang out with friends, Shuang! no tutorials to do too!!! YAY! To people out there who knows me and will see me often, my bday's coming!!! start saving now n u will be able to afford a present for me by then. Thanks alot! Know u guys luv me alot and will get me presents! (Haha, so bhb. But I learnt it frm XX) To those whom I seldom see nowadays, just drop me a card... HeheH
9:32 pm
AJ or RJ? AJ or RJ? I'm just crapping here... no choice. Confused, frustrated. Scared la... first time in my life, i'm scared of going to a place. STUPID la! will update on fri to announce my decision.... but not many pple read this blog anyway. SIAN. I think i'm being dumb here... wuliao... lame... blah blah blah. Wo Zai Fa XiE
11:28 pm
Finally, it's been 2 days since i've gotten my O Level results. well, did pretty well but still quite shocked by my results la. I mean, hello... my english actually can get A1 leh?! siao lor... den really feel that actually this O level thingy is not really a fair way to gage ur learning lor. Maybe I was just plain lucky (like my chem. So unfair for my physics) Anyway, now is still the choice of RJ or AJ. Well, I guess RJ is like a once in a lifetime opportunity and somemore there's new facilities, better opportunities to learn more then wat's in e txtbk but it's like SO COMPETITIVE. I'm the kind tt mug @ the last minute and I can't exactly handle stress tt well leh. AJ's a mugger sch too but at least i dun have to mug EXTRA HARD so as to at least be of average standard with everyone around me. I can take it at my own pace and *hopefully* still keep up with the average standard of the class at AJ. However rite, RJ definitely has more interesting ccas as compared to AJ ba. AJ's choice of ccas are kinda pathetic la. and there's really nothing much going on in tt school. Nxt rite, i guess almost everyone frm 0805's staying in aj. Haiz, sad... will miss them if i gone off to RJ. And will miss e teachers too! cause they're nice, patient and good! esp mdm woon n ms bok (actually maybe only these 2). chris liu already left for sydney anyway... bAaH. Come to think of it la, maybe i wun even get into RJ lor since i think whole of sg did pretty well with LOTSA 6-pters. Sad la... do well also may not secure a place. Must always aim for best. Tiring leh, competition so great...tsk.
Okie, anyway... I think man's pretty upset over her results but trust me lor, i think it's REALLY GOOD already. She've improved so much la frm dunno how many thousand pts to tt little pts. Somemore a math got A2 leh... aren't u proud?!?! I am for you! I think it's cause she's in ny tt's well she think it's lousy. As compared to many pple rite, it's very gd lor. See wat i mean abt competitive-ness. It's always so demoralising to be in one of the top schools. We're always near the bottom, struggling to keep up with those geniuses. SIAN AH!!! And though i tend to perform better under stress, it's terrible la. why suffer so much?! i think everyone should choose the school of which they'll feel most comfortable in~ But given a choice, i bet almost everyone will wish not to go sch -duh-
Oh yeah, watched Howl's Moving Castle! howl's SO SHUAI!!!!! story's interesting but again it has a lousy ending! wat's with those producers, directors and scriptwriters?!?! can't they wrap up the story nicely. GEeZ and to think our eL teachers forever complaining saying our conclusion for essays are slipshot. Yea yea, tell those movie big-shots. I mean the ending didn't explain much on why those witches want his heart, who's fighting who and he's fighting who and stuff like tt. Sian but it's quite entertaining... like the little fire but forgot the name. I recommend everyone to go watch for $6.50 but not $8.50... can save the money for better movies~ Wanna watch series of unfortunate events!! hence will go find pple to watch with... maybe on thurs or something... Let me wrap up this entry nicely. Heh HEh. I'm glad the waitin for results' finally over and I'm ULTRA glad we all made it through the "marathon". Now we shall all move on to the nxt path which is A Levels... sian, another 2 yrs of mugging.
1:04 pm